Have you already been to Terrasini? Here's what's beautiful!

Terrasini: What to do, see, beaches.
Would you like to Book your Summer Vacation in Sicily? Among many marvellouy Places is Terrasini, which will leave you gobsmacked for its fascinating scenery and clean crystalline water.
Terrasini is situated on the Northern coast of Sicily, in the province of Palermo.
It has always surprised its visitors for its clear, unpolluted water which extends from one beach to another, and is characterized by fascinating rochy creeks and little steep criffs.
Natural places are protected and you can admire the Capo Rama Nature Reserve where several bird species can be found.

The village looks over the gulf of Castellammare and its origins seem to derive from its latin name
“ Terra Sinus”, which means “land of the gulf”.
You are interested in visiting Terrasini, do not miss the cathedral dedicated St. Mary of Grace,
Terrasini’s Patron Saint it is situated in the main square “Piazza Duomo” and is an imposing building in Baroque style there are 3 naves and little Chapels dedicated to protector Saint of work,
Christ Savior and St. Mary. On the outside, there are statues of St. Peter and St. Joseph.
The seafront and square ( Piazza Duomo) are the centre of Terrasini’s movida and are very busy in the evenings they attract many young people looking to enjoy them selves. Hare you can find various bars, restaurants, pubs and ice-cream parlours.

The Capo Rama Tower, is a place to consider visiting Terrasini is known of its watch towers, the mine one being Capo Rama which is situated on the promontory from which it takes its name
other watch towers are Torre Alba and Torre Toleda.
The Capo Rama watch tower dates back to XVth century and is directly looking over the sea.
Un like the other 2 which point towards the coast line.
The former seems to be the most ancient, and gives us the best biew.

The Sicilian Cart Museum
A visit to the Siciian cart museum is a must, were you can go back in time to see popular tradition.
The museum is inside a noble Palace of the 1800s (Palazzo D’Aumale).
It is home to a beautiful collection of carts and sicilian Pupi, which are real works of art.
The agent building along Terrasini’s sea front was commissioned by the prince of Partanna and
the Duke of Floridia, and was then bought by the Duke of D’Umale, son of Luigi Filippo King of France and Maria Amelia of Borbone.
The building was used to store wine produced on the Duke’s farm in Zucco.

Terrasini’s beaches
The marvellous town Terrasini will charm you for its beauty. It is situated between the sea and the Hill. It has an incredible panorama with rochy bays and steep slopes. Along with its beautiful monuments it has crystalline waters. The coastline extends between the Ciucca and San Cataldo Beaches. The rochy coastiline takes the name Cala Rossa from the Red Color of the cliffs.
One of the beautiful attractions are the stacks, which you out of the water.
Cala Rossa is the ideal Beach for diving and fore those wanting to explore the Sicilian Sea floor.
It is also possible to find little covers and natural grottos which you can visit and explore near the shore.
Not to be missed: the Praiola beach, situated near the homes in Terrasini “Cala Maiduzza” near the “Perciata Grotto” and a fen other coves which can be reaches by sea, near Torre Alba before you get to “Cala Rossa”.
You then see the scenery of Capo Rama with its beautiful watch tower before getting to San Cataldo. In this area you can find the “Caletta Verde” with spectacular rocks “Caletta Paternella” and the fantastic “Cala Muletti”.
Unsurprisingly, the most diffused activities are fishing and tourism. Tourist are attracted by Terrasini for its unpolluted, comfortable beaches and unbellevably crean water.
Here, this is the possibility of:
– Immersions and snorkeling and underwater excursions.
– Going on mini cruises to Castellammare, Scopello, The Zingaro nature reserve and San Vito Lo Capo.
– Going on a boat trip along the Coast to visit bays and caves.
– Hiring a boat.

Events, feasts and shows
Another captivating characteristic of Terrasini and all of Sicily are its traditions, hospitality, entertainment and very good cuisine.
There are many summer event for tourists; corcerts, shows, open-air markets but the most suggestive feast is the “Festa di li Schietti” which takes place during Easter, and is one of the most
Important folkloristic event in Sicily.
This ritual started in 1850 and all the local population is involves the star is a tree.
Unmarries men compete in an original competition which involves holding up a 50 kg. orange
tree with just 1 arm the tree is chosen before the competition and is decorated with ribbons and
little bells. Then, holy mass is celebrated, to bless the pre-chosen tree. An even better scene is the costumes worn by the competitors which are traditional sicilian ones.
Another entertaining event takes place at the beginning of October, the fishermen’s festival “shows” card tournaments, fish-tasting the “Sagra del Pesce” includes a big fish banquet and story- tallers, to complete the feast.

The coastline is Terrasini’s main attraction the view down to the sea and the stacks make it an ideal place to walk along at sunset. In summer, the sea front gets busy at this time and is a refence place for holiday makers who love to spend the evening there.
Stop and photograph the literary benches dedicated to Andrea Camilleri, Leonardo Sciascia, the film director Tornatore, and to Rosa Balistreri, a folk singer.
In the square, there are various bars and cafès where you can enjoy an aperitive, eat an ice cream,
Or stop to eat in an open-air restaurant.
Over the years, Terrasini has become the Sicilian town of love, with its romantic sunsets and notices telling you to “stop and Kiss”!
The works of art that express this most beautiful sentiment. Have made it a really romantic stop.
You will be surprised while walking through the quaint streets, to see how many manifestation of
love around. The “stop to kiss” sign and the giant padlock along the seafront, especially, in
“ Piazzetta degli Innammmorati”.